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President's speech

I wish to welcome both the returning and all our fresh students to the serene and student-friendly campus of the College of health Sciences, management and technology of Nigeria for the new academic session.

I wish to congratulate the returning students on their success at the last session’s examination. I also rejoice with the fresh students on their admission to the College this session.

The need to provide both the returning and fresh students with adequate and current information on the activities of the College in order to bridge the communication gap informed the review of the existing student’s handbook.

handbook is an authoritative source of information necessary for the guidance of all students throughout the duration of their stay in the College.

Therefore, all students should endeavour to collect the handbook from their various Departments, study and acquaint themselves with the information therein.

It is pertinent for all new students to note that the various activities (both social and academic) engaged in while on campus, will earn points that would cumulatively reflect in the final transcript.

Students should research the courses available for the exchange programme and discover new internship opportunities to enhance practical exposure and widen their knowledge and experience.

Students should take advantage of the language courses offered at College of health Sciences, management and technology of Nigeria to develop themselves, be relevant, and impactful on the multi-cultural African society and the world at large.

These language courses could be taken as minors or part of double majors; the opportunities are endless here.

New students should ensure that they attend the yearly orientation program conducted by the College at the beginning of their academic semester.  This program affords them the opportunity of meeting the Heads of Departments (HoDs) officially, for the first time.

It is also at this gathering that they will get acquainted with the College general rules and regulations, lecture venues, libraries, etc.

In fact, it is important to establish and maintain cordial relationship with your Heads of Departments (HoDs). Endeavour to check the H.O.D’s office and notice boards from time to time to be abreast of current events at the department.

I wish to inform all fresh students that College of health Sciences, management and technology of Nigeria offers the opportunity for them to network and make friends with people from various nationalities, cultural backgrounds, and professions.

One avenue where contacts can be established is in the College social clubs.

Interested students who wish to take advantage of the existence of the various social clubs in the College to develop their hobbies, leadership & inherent skills and make friends are advised to contact the Student Affairs Division for guidance.

It is our expectation that all your energies, time, and resources will always be directed to things that are noble and constructive.

Students should feel free to visit the career planning centres to be informed about prospective job offers. You should also participate in the activities of the Alumni Association to keep in touch with your friends even after graduation.

To the returning students, time passes swiftly, and your College education will be completed in a short time. It is only imperative that you learn to use all the detailed information acquired from your lecturers, library (research), information technology, and even from this website effectively.

Get relevant information about e-learning and distance education programs that can be of use to you in the future.

Keep track of activities in the College and actively participate in them; take notes, and ask questions. Try to attend programmes organized by different Departments and Faculties related to your course of study.

I am very delighted to inform you that the College of Postgraduate Studies has taken off and hope you will take advantage of it to do your master programme here.

Globalisation has reached the point of ‘localisation’ lately, in which local features are considered while trying to think and act globally.

In other words, while being global on one hand, do not forget your local values, traditions, cultures, society and language on the other hand.

That is why at College of health Sciences, management and technology of Nigeria, we also pay attention to your moral, social, ethical and religious development.

Dear students, let me emphasize here that there is no short road to any place worth going because only a serious approach can guarantee a glorious and excellent result.

That is, to be successful, the opportunity you have to study at College of health Sciences, management and technology of Nigeria must be consolidated with adequate preparation.

Once again, I welcome all new students toCollege of health Sciences, management and technology of Nigeria and wish you all success in 2024/2025 academic year.

Dr. Samuel Ojong
College of health Sciences, management and technology of Nigeria

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